Mermaid Tour

During this guided tour you will discover the mermaids of the city. Did you know that there are several mermaids located around the city of Copenhagen? The most famous of all the mermaids is The Little Mermaid, a bronze statue by Edvard Eriksen. The sculpture is displayed on a rock by the waterside at the Langelinie promenade in Copenhagen. Based on the fairy tale with the same name written by the Danish author Hans Christian Andersen, the statue is a Copenhagen icon and has been a major tourist attraction since 1913. Copenhagen guided tours guide will lead you further just a short walk away from the Little mermaid where there is another great must see sculpture “Genetically Modified Little Mermaid”. Bjørn Nørgaard created the abstract mermaid as part of a larger sculpture group called the Genetically Modified Paradise. The next mermaid is located by the Royal Danish Library - The Black Diamond. The new Mermaid is a sculpture created by Anna Marie Carl- Nielsen. During the mermaid tour you will hear the tragic story behind the creation of the sculpture.